Black Saddle is a trading name of Dreamy Ponies Limited and is registered in England under company number 12990748. VAT registration number 362081418.
In these Booking Conditions, “you” and “your” means all persons named on the booking (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date). “We”, “us” and “our” means Dreamy Ponies Limited trading as ‘Black Saddle’ acting as the agent of the operator.
When making a booking the following conditions apply to the contract you enter into with the ride operator. The delivery of your holiday arrangement is the responsibility of the ride operator who is the counter-party to your booking contract. We act as agent only for the operator and we have no liability in relation to your holiday or for the acts or omissions of the operator or any suppliers connected with that booking. The operator will have their own terms and conditions that apply to your booking and we will make these available to you at the time of booking. Where the operator’s terms are in conflict with the terms and conditions here the operator’s terms will take precedence.
In our capacity as agent we do not enter into any contract with you in respect of the provision of any arrangements without limitation including the rides, accommodation, transport, catering or any additional activities without limitation. Our responsibility to you is to share information about the riding arrangement and any additional activities included in the operator’s package as obtained from the operator. We will communicate with you on behalf of the operator. We do not act in any other capacity.
By confirming your booking you are agreeing to these terms and conditions in full.
To make a booking the party leader completes a booking form on behalf of all party members binding the party members to the booking conditions here and the operator’s terms. The party leader confirms that they are so authorised and over the age of eighteen. We will confirm your booking with you by issuing confirmation on the operator’s behalf and on receipt of payment due at the time of booking. A contract will exist between you and the operator when we issue you with a confirmation invoice containing the operator’s details.
In order to confirm your booking, the party leader is required to make a deposit of 30%, or full payment if booking within 90 days of departure. Some operator’s require a greater deposit and we will advise you of this if so. If the cost of the ride is less than €/£/$2,000 per person we will require the full balance to secure your saddle.
The balance of the booking must be received by us not less than 90 days prior to departure so that we can make payment to the operator. This date will be shown on the confirmation invoice. If we do not receive all payments due in full and on time, we acting as agent on behalf of the operator reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you. In this case the cancellation charges set out in the applicable organiser’s/supplier’s terms and conditions will be payable.
As we only act as agent for the operator concerned, we reserve the right to pass on to you in full all additional costs and charges of whatever nature imposed by the operator in accordance with their own terms and conditions. We reserve the right to correct errors in both advertised and confirmed prices. We will do so as soon as we become aware of the error. Once you have received your confirmation invoice and the operator has confirmed your booking the price will not change.
Should you wish to make any changes to your confirmed holiday the party leader must notify us in writing by email. You should receive an email within 24 hours; if you do not receive one, please contact us again. Whilst we will endeavour to assist, we cannot guarantee we will be able to meet any such requests. We may levy a £30 administration fee per change in addition to the operator’s fee. Any further costs incurred by the operator will be payable by you.
Should you or any member of your party need to cancel your chosen holiday once it has been confirmed, the party leader must immediately advise us in writing. We will seek to replace you and if this is possible we will return your funds to you less bank fees and our administration charge detailed below. We will endeavour to refund you within 30 days of your notification of cancellation. If you do not provide bank account details to process the refund your right to be refunded will expire after six months.
Each operator has their own terms and we will provide these with every specific booking. Our standard terms are:
More than 90 days in advance the full deposit is returned net of bank charges and a £250 / $250 / €250 cancellation fee per rider to cover our time spent organising your holiday.
90 - 60 days in advance the deposit or 50% of the full amount is forfeited.
59 – 0 days in advance 100% of the full amount is forfeited.
The ride operator may also charge an administration fee on cancellation. We will clarify this with you on a case by case basis when you make your booking.
If you need to delay your safari while in the cancellation period we will aim to do this for you but this will depend on availability. You will need to cover any price difference for your new dates.
Depending on the reason for cancellation you may be able to reclaim these cancellation charges (less any applicable excess) under the terms of your travel insurance policy. You must pay the cancellation charges and then seek to claim a refund directly to your insurance company.
If any member of your party is prevented from travelling, the person(s) concerned may be able to transfer their place to someone else (introduced by you) providing we are given at least seven days notice before departure date and the transfer satisfies all of the same conditions as the initial rider including riding ability and fitness. The party leader will need to complete booking form(s) for the new rider(s).
It is a condition of booking that you have or arrange adequate insurance cover for personal liability, medical and holiday cancellation to be valid from the date when the contract with the operator comes into existence until the holiday is completed. When obtaining travel insurance you must ensure that the insurer is aware of the type and destination of travel and any activities which you plan to undertake. Horse riding holidays can be considered high risk and may not be included in the standard terms of your current travel insurance. Please ensure that you are fully covered, in particular with regard to the maximum cancellation amount, and that you provide a copy of your insurance certificate for our records. We may need to refer to this if you are involved in an accident. If you do not arrange the aforementioned cover, the operator may, if it chooses, refuse your booking or cancel your holiday, In any event, the operator nor Black Saddle will not be held responsible for any expenses, loss or damage you incur as a result of your failure to comply with this clause or the requirements of your travel insurance policy. Please read your policy details carefully and take them with you on holiday. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance cover you purchase is suitable and adequate for your particular needs.
On rare occasions the operator may need to alter or cancel a booking. Where an insignificant change is made and we are notified before the departure date we will pass on the new details to you. A minor change by the operator will not result in alternatives or refunds to you. If the operator is required to make a significant change, such as a date change or a significant reduction in the standard of accommodation for the whole or a significant proportion of the ride or cancel your holiday, the operator may offer alternative arrangements. We will pass these on to you with information about any associated price change to your booking and a notification date by which you will need to notify us of your decision as to whether you will accept the arrangement offered. If you do not wish to accept alternative arrangements you will be entitled to a full refund from the operator. As these are riding holidays in wild and remote places the operator retains the right to change the itinerary to respond to changes in the weather for you and the horses’ safety.
If a ride is subject to a minimum number of riders the operator has the right to cancel your booking. We will inform you of any ride participant minimum and the deadline date to confirm the ride’s departure as confirmed by the operator to us. The operator retains the right to run the ride with fewer riders than the ride minimum. In the event of cancellation by the operator they will have no liability to you by way of compensation, expenses or any other sums in the event of not meeting the minimum ride participants.
Black Saddle has no liability for any cancellation or alteration by the operator and therefore has no responsibility for any costs, expenses, losses or sums of a similar nature which you incur as a result of the cancellation, for example, flights you made in connection with your booking.
Antisocial behaviour can include attempts of manipulation, bullying, rudeness or aggression, unstable emotional behaviour, and lying. We view this kind of behaviour as detrimental on a group holiday, especially where resilience is a requirement for these physically demanding trips and our duty of care is to the entire group as a whole and not to an individual booking.
In cases of antisocial behaviour before a ride we reserve the right to refuse you service and pass on your booking directly to the Operator to complete. In this scenario your full deposit will be passed on to Operator and you will liase with them directly to complete your booking. If the Operator also refuses to complete your booking the cancellations terms will apply to your payment. You may not be entitled to any refund.
Antisocial behaviour during a ride that impacts the enjoyment of the other guests might also result in a refusal of services. This includes but is not limited to bullying other guests or the guides, refusal to adhere to safety instructions from the guide and refusal to be timely on your group holiday. It is up to the guide to determine whether you are are able to continue the ride or not and we will support their decision. There are no refunds for refusal of services on these grounds and you will need to make your own arrangements to leave your holiday early.
Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions, we regret the operator cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of their contractual obligations is prevented or affected by or you otherwise suffer any damage or loss (as more fully described below) as a result of "force majeure". In these Booking Conditions, "force majeure" means any event which the operator of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such events may include war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, actual or threatened terrorist activity, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, fire and all similar events outside their control. Advice from the UK Government Foreign & Commonwealth Office to avoid or leave a particular country may constitute force majeure.
Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions, the operator will have no liability and will not be obliged to pay any compensation, expenses or other sums where the performance or prompt performance of its obligations under its contract with you is prevented or affected by, or you otherwise suffer any damage, loss or expense of any nature as a result of, unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. Black Saddle will similarly have no liability for any claim, liability, expense or loss which arises from or in connection with any unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.
The operator is responsible for the performance of the services it has contracted to provide in accordance with the operator’s terms, these booking conditions, the law applicable to your contract with the operator (which may not be English) and the laws and standards of the country where your holiday arrangements take place. The operator may exclude or limit its liability to you in respect of any breach of contract, negligence or other fault on its part (including without limitation, in respect of the acts and/or omissions of the operator, its employees, agents, suppliers and other third parties who provide any services in respect of or in connection with your holiday) which may otherwise give rise to an entitlement on your part to claim damages. Any such exclusion or limitation will usually be found in the operator’s terms. In some countries or states, certain limitations and exclusions of liability may be mandated, authorised or approved by the law of that country or state which may (or may not) be included in the operator’s terms.
Black Saddle act in the capacity of agent of the operator and we do not enter into any contract with you in respect of the provision of any arrangements without limitation including the rides, accommodation, transport, catering or any additional activities without limitation. We accept no liability in relation to the holiday itself or for the acts or omissions of the operator concerned. The terms and conditions of the operator will apply to your contract.
As agent, Black Saddle’s responsibilities are limited to the provision of information in respect of the rides and riding and other holiday arrangements provided by the operators, making your booking with your chosen operator and otherwise communicating between you and the operator in respect of your booking. Black Saddle does not have any liability in any capacity in respect of the performance of your contract by the operator or for the acts and/or omissions of the operator, its employees, agents, suppliers and other third parties who provide any services in respect of or in connection with your holiday. We endeavour to share accurately the information on the holiday arrangement that the operator provides as accurately and up to date as possible. Where there are errors or omissions Black Saddle does not have any liability in any capacity for information passed to us in error. If we are notified of an error we will of course notify you as soon as reasonably practicable if we become aware of the same.
In the event that we are found liable on any basis whatsoever our maximum liability to you if we are found to have been at fault in relation to any service we provide as agent for the operator concerned, as opposed to any service provided by the third party for whom we are not responsible, is limited to the commission we earn or are due to earn in respect of the booking in question. We do not exclude or limit any liability for death or personal injury which arises as a result of our negligence or that of our employees whilst acting in the course of their employment. We will not be liable in any circumstances for any indirect or consequential loss or damage or for any sum which relates to or arises from any business including without limitation, self-employed loss of earnings.
Your baggage may be transported through all kinds of weather on farm vehicles and even by horse to reach your remote holiday destination. While the operator will do their best to ensure your items are treated with the utmost care loss and damage can occur. We recommend not to travel with valuable items and to use luggage designed for use in the outdoors: dry bags, canvas bags, and soft luggage is more suitable than hard samsonite style suitcases. The operator and Black Saddle will not be liable in the unlikely event that your luggage is lost, stolen or damaged and you must take out insurance cover to mitigate this risk. Check the Operators terms for additional liability exclusions in all circumstances including operator negligence. We recommend that you keep a copy of your passport in a separate safe and dry location in your luggage.
Horse riding is an inherently dangerous sport that can result in serious injury or even death. Even the best trained horses can become frightened and respond in a way that is unsafe. You are responsible for your own safety at all times. The operator may give you specific instructions for dealing with horses and the environment and you must follow their guidance at all times. The operator retains the right to deny you the opportunity to ride or be around the horses if they feel it is unsafe or that you have misrepresented your horse riding ability. The operator does not owe you any compensation in this situation as you or the party leader is responsible for sharing accurate information about the riders fitness and ability when booking so that the operator is able to accurately assess that their holiday is appropriate for each rider. The ride operator may ask you to sign a disclaimer or waiver acknowledging that the ride operator is not responsible in the event of your suffering personal injury, death or damage to property. Whether or not you are asked to sign a disclaimer or waiver, neither the ride operators nor Black Saddle will be liable in the event you suffer personal injury, death or damage to property as a result of or in connection with horse riding or any horse related activity or which is otherwise caused by a horse or horses or any other animal.
In the unlikely event that you have cause for complaint in any respect of your holiday you must inform the operator as soon as possible so that they have an opportunity to put things right for you. Any verbal complaints should be put in writing as soon as possible. If you are still unhappy you can write to us at rides@black-saddle.com or call us at (+44) 7828 293 791 and we will do all we can to assist in our capacity as agent though your contract and responsibility for remediation remains with the operator unless your complaint is directly related to you our services in their own right.
If the operator is unable to resolve matters whilst you are on holiday and you remain dissatisfied you must write to us within 28 days of your return with full details and we will share your complaint with the operator. Please quote your booking reference on all correspondence. If you fail to follow this simple complaints procedure, your right to claim any compensation may be affected or even lost as a result.
Independent suppliers provide most accommodation, services and transport. All bookings are subject to the operator conditions and regulations of these carriers/ transport proprietors/accommodation providers and service suppliers. These conditions may limit or exclude liability to you and may be subject to provisions of international conventions. Some operator suppliers may require a waiver of responsibility to be signed, which may limit some of your rights vis a vis those suppliers.
When you book your holiday you accept responsibility to the operator for any damage or loss caused by you or any member of your party. Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid directly to the operator at the timer. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims as a result of your actions.
You are expected to have consideration for other people. If the operator or in the reasonable opinion of any other person in authority believes you or any member of your party behaves in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger, upset or distress to any third party or damage to property, the operator is entitled, without prior notice, to terminate the holiday of the person(s) concerned. In this situation, the person(s) concerned will be required to leave the holiday arrangements. Neither the operator nor Black Saddle will have any further responsibility toward such person(s) including any return travel arrangements. The operator will make no refunds nor will they pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination.
If you have any special request, you must advise us at the time of booking. Although we will endeavour to pass any reasonable requests on to the relevant supplier, we regret we cannot guarantee any request will be met. Failure to meet any special request will not be a breach of contract on our part. Confirmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the operator or the inclusion of the special request on your confirmation invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to availability.
We act as agent for operators that offer riding holidays for experienced riders and as such the riding may not be suitable for people with certain disabilities, medical conditions or reduced mobility. If you or any member of your party has any medical problem or disability which may affect your holiday, please tell us before you confirm your booking by sharing details in the booking form or by email so that we can share the details with the operator and they can advise as to the suitability of the chosen arrangements. In any event, you must give us full details in writing at the time of booking. If the operator reasonably feels unable to properly accommodate the particular needs of the person concerned, they reserve the right to decline your reservation or, if full details are not given at the time of booking, cancel when they become aware of these details.
We will provide general information about passport, health and visa requirements applicable to your holiday destination. You must check requirements for your own specific circumstances with the relevant Embassies and/or Consulates and your own doctor as applicable. It is the party leader’s responsibility to ensure that all members of the party are in possession of all necessary travel and health documents before departure. You must pay all costs incurred in obtaining such documentation. Requirements do change and you must check the up to date position in good time before departure. We regret we cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to failure on your part to carry all required documentation or otherwise comply with any passport, visa, immigration requirements or health formalities.
The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office publishes advice and travel information by country on its website https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice. We strongly recommend you check this website regularly before your departure and consider how this advice ties in with your insurance cover.
You should refer to the operator’s booking conditions and other information provided by the operator for details of how your booking is protected in the event of the operator’s insolvency.
As we act as agents only, we cannot accept any liability in the event of a delay at your homeward or outward point of departure. Please refer to your carrier for assistance.
Your personal information and that of your party is important to us. We process all personal information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Should you have any questions about how we handle your personal information and that of your party, please refer to our privacy policy which can be found on our website at this address: https://www.black-saddle.com/privacy-policy. Should you wish to stop hearing from us, by email or by any other means, please email us at rides@black-saddle.com detailing how you wish us to use and store your personal information.
We are a social media conscious agency and enjoy sharing images and video of riders enjoying our operator’s holidays around the world. We may wish to use photographs or film taken during your holiday by operators or ourselves. Please let us know if you don’t wish for any video or images of you to be shared. We are aware that to comply with legal requirements, written consent must be obtained from parents or legal guardians before taking photographs of children. We would ask foreign suppliers to respect this requirement but we cannot be held responsible if they do not comply.
You may not use the holiday to create content for commercial purposes without permission in writing before your ride. You may be asked to stop any content creation that impacts the flow of the ride for the others on their holiday and failure to do so may result in you being asked to leave the ride and find alternative travel plans at your own cost. This is out of consideration for the other guests.
Your relationship with Black Saddle including those parts of these booking conditions which affect that relationship, is governed by English law. In the event of any dispute, claim or other matter of any description arising between you and Black Saddle (as opposed to between you and the operator), this will be subject to the exclusive of the courts of England and Wales.
Your contract with the operator will be subject to the governing law and jurisdiction specified in the operator’s terms. This will usually be the law and courts of the country where the arrangements are provided.