Macatoo Camp in the Okavango Delta has some of the best riding in Africa with huge numbers and variety of game. You’ll get up close and personal with elephants and run with herds of buffalo, zebra, giraffe and antelope.

We have sent so many riders to Macatoo that have told us that this is the best holiday they’ve ever had. The peak season is from mid-June to mid-October when the floods are highest and you have the option of a boat safari as well as the usual riding and game drive options. The green season is a lot warmer, the floods have disappeared but the upside is that animals crowd around the premanant waterholes which makes for excellent viewing and there is a pool at camp to cool off in! You’ll save 40% on peak season pricing by travelling from December to March.


The image you have in your head of the iconic floods, splashy canters and large numbers of game are typical of the winter months in the Okavango Delta during the Dry Season, spanning from July to October. During this period, the rains have almost stopped entirely, and the floodwaters, originating from Angola, typically inundate the Delta, attracting wildlife from the surrounding arid regions.

Despite being referred to as the "dry season," this is when the Okavango waters are at their peak. Macatoo also offer water-based activities during this time. However, it's worth noting exceptions; October, for instance, stands out as the driest and hottest month, offering excellent game viewing opportunities but usually the floods have entirely disappeared. The upside is that the ground is sandy and clear for fast riding.

Excellent game viewing can be enjoyed in the summer months too during the Green Season. Close to Macatoo is good numbers of resident game and nearby permanent water channels where animals crowd together at the remaining water holes with their newly born babies at foot.

The shoulder months have much to recommend them too. November brings the first life giving rains and the land springs to life, a bright green carpet over the plains appears and the calving season for many antelope, such as impala, begins.

Every month delivers a unique experience you can have a superb safari in the Okavango at any time of year.


When it comes to safari planning it helps to consider the seasonal rate differences. The Delta always offers incredible riding and exceptional wildlife viewing but there are advantages to travelling at different times of year.

  • Low Green Season – December to March

  • Shoulder Season – April to mid-June and mid-October to November

  • Peak Dry Season – Mid-June to mid-October


Winter spans from April to September, characterised by dry, sunny days with clear skies and cool to warm temperatures. However, evenings can bring sharp drops in temperature. Day time highs typically reach around 25 degrees Celsius, while night time lows can plummet to as low as 2 degrees Celsius, and in certain arid regions, even dip below freezing. Winter months see minimal rainfall, and as the surrounding land dries up, wildlife congregates around floodwaters, which typically arrive between April and June.

The dry winter months are the best time to visit the Okavango Delta for big game viewing due to the concentration of animals around the Okavango flood waters and the thin vegetation allowing good visibility.


The Okavango Delta summer starts with temperatures building in September, usually reaching a peak in October until the rains in November bring some relief. Summer rains begin to end in April with the onset of the dry season.

In October, the Okavango Delta experiences scorching dry temperatures, often reaching 40 degrees Celsius or higher. However, relief is on the horizon as cloud cover arrives with the first rains, typically towards late November or early December, temporarily lowering the temperature. Throughout the rainy season, extending until the end of February or early March, mornings are typically hot and sunny, giving way to afternoon thunderstorms characterized by short but intense downpours. Daytime temperatures can reach up to 38 degrees Celsius, while nights may cool to around 20 degrees Celsius. Rainfall patterns are erratic and vary widely across regions, with heavy downpours in some areas and no rain just kilometers away. Furthermore, much of the rainfall evaporates or is lost to transpiration due to strong sunshine following the showers, limiting its penetration into the ground.

Summer time is the best to experience the Okavango Delta's vibrant birdlife and lush green landscape. From late September to October & November, guests can enjoy exceptional game viewing as animals congregate around permanent water sources. For those brave enough to endure the intense heat of October, the reward is an exhilarating spectacle of wildlife activity near the dwindling waterholes. Many regard this period as optimal for exploring the Okavango Delta, despite the challenges posed by the scorching temperatures and dusty conditions.


  • There is little to no rain during winter ( May to October) and humidity is low, typically 20-40%.

  • May – A lovely month. The temperatures are relatively cool, typically 10°C/50°F in the morning and 28°C/80°F in the afternoon.

  • June, July & August – The average morning temperature is 6°C/42°F. Night temperatures can drop below freezing. Afternoons will be more pleasant with temperatures around 25°C/78°F. Be sure to pack a few layers as morning rides and game drives in open vehicles will be a little chilly.

  • September & October – The heat is gradually building and it can get very hot in October (38°C/100°F), but the average temperature remains around 34°C/93°F in the afternoon. You will avoid riding in the hottest part of the day and siesta instead.

  • November & December – As the southern African summer begins, clouds start to appear, bringing cooler temperatures and an occasional late afternoon shower. This pattern of change continues in December, with typical temperatures between 20°C/69°F in the morning and 33°C/91°F in the afternoon. Humidity is typically between 50-60%.

  • January & February – These are the wettest months, characterised by heavy downpours in the afternoon and sometimes continuous rainfall for days. Daytime temperatures are around 32°C/90°F and the humidity is between 50-80%.

  • March & April – Rainfall decreases and it steadily cools. This trend continues through April, which has lovely, clear weather and few clouds. The nights tend to be cooler but the days are very temperate at 30°C/87°F.




7 Nights in the Okavango Delta, Botswana | Tented Camp Based | From £4,095 per person sharing + transfers


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Emma Barron